Well everybody already knows that. Like.. The power dynamics of "vote lesser evil, vote for minority candidate, vote for a compromising pseudo-progressive party because it's still something, abstain and stay pure, better face true fascists than traitors, etc." has been around since representative regimes emerged. Yet everyone has to find his/her political and moral stance in this shitshow. And answers will differ, sometimes for legitimate reasons, sometimes because of total bs. That's all there is to it and it's not exactly news.
United States | News & Politics
Running a feckless campaign that refused to break with Biden's admin on genocide is why we got this living hell. And running the most unlikeable woman in the country in 2016 is what made 2024 even a possibility.
Dems have fucked up terribly.
That about sums it up.
I'll vote Democrat as long as the alternative is fascism.
But fuck me, I'd love to vote for something else. And I'll be honest, I have no idea how we get anything better.
I hear people saying to organize, but I can't even imagine what that takes. I wonder if most Americans feel as helpless as I do in the face of this absolute bullshit.
I’ll vote Democrat as long as the alternative is fascism.
Unfortunately, much of what the Democrats represent is fascism.
Depends on what you mean by "much"? I'd argue the Democrats, on the whole, are liberals, not fascists.
I'd certainly prefer progressives and leftists though.
The support for Israel whole they genocide Palestine, thought... ugh. That can certainly be viewed as fascism, although where you draw the distinction between fascism and imperialism is up for debate. Not that imperialism is good either, just saying.
The hard fact is that what the population votes for is what the population gets. They have completely given up their agency and just accept this impotent logic of "we'll take whatever the most obvious/most apparently easy option is, that isn't a Republican". It's a cyclical problem, the voters don't care enough to force politicians to be good, and the politicians don't care enough to court voters.
At the same time, "what the population votes for is what the population gets" ignores that we are often only presented with crappy options to start with.
Perhaps it would be more accurate to say "you get what you fight for, and if you don't fight you get what you get."
I... haven't really fought for anything. I believed the right things. I voted as best I could. But that clearly didn't stop this.
I want to protect my ego and say I'm not a coward. Is there a distinction to be made between cowardice and simply not knowing what to do? I don't know. I just know I'm trying my best, but maybe that's just not enough.
You're absolutely right
The Democratic Party as a whole is like milk in your fridge that's a week past its "best by" date.
The Republican Party is milk that a dog vomited on a Texas in July sidewalk.
We're drinking one of them, because no alternative is possible in the near term.
It's possible to vote for Democrats in 2026 and '28 and '30 and '32 while we build an alternative that can have electoral success, or takeover the Democratic Party from within or heck turn the Republican Party into a party worth supporting...
If all the milk in my fridge is spoiled, I throw it out. Maybe try that?
Aye, we need a new system.
Great. Now you're dying of thirst and the only milk left is the dog throw up vomit.
You can't game the system by just saying you would do it better. That's not how it works.
80 million Dem voters (depicted as "crowd of NPCs" meme): "We are voting for Democrats in the near term because there is no other option"
I'll keep saying it, the DNC is a sunk cost. You will keep trying to get them to stand up for you; get them to care; get them to fight. They will keep taking your energy; taking your money; and taking your vote and do nothing with it.
Big donors have recognized it. It's time for the people to recognize it too. That means you.
A democratic that is average at democracy is better than a conservative who is great at authoritarianism.
"average at democracy" is when you aggressively expand the world's largest police state while persuing a policy of genocide.
Most people wanted to stop sending money for wars, and Democrats kept sending money for wars. Most people wanted to defund the police and democrats tripled the police budget. That is not a democracy. That is the total opposite of a democracy.
Tripled the police budget?
Yes, Joe “We have to back the blue” Biden tripled the police budget during and after the BLM protests
What police budget?
The Democratic Party on the whole is captured by the donor class as a direct result of Citizens United. This has led to the hollowing out of the grassroots movements that are necessary for a large coalition of diverse interests to compete against the oligarchic cabal that makes up the GOP. This decimated the rank and file operatives that used networking within their communities to create political action and replaced it with endless fundraising emails, even as the primary process was corrupted (Hillary v Bernie, Biden v Bernie) to remove clout from the progressive wing of the party.
This led to the disillusionment of many Democratic voters that they have any say in the nomination process (the last time we had a real primary was Obama 2008 - almost 20 years ago), and the result is a slate of weak centrist candidates that for the most part play lip service to liberal cultural issues while blocking any real progressive economic progress.
The purpose of the Democratic Party apparatus as it exists in 2025 America is to capture and dilute revolutionary energy, so that people don't take to the streets and demand real change. Yes, there are some independents and good folks within the Democratic Party trying to make a change (AOC, Jasmine Crocket) but the power players (Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries) are still refusing to stand up to the overt fascist takeover of our country.
The system as it exists will not change, and without change, we're barreling into a fascism induced depression and possible civil war that will likely ravage the planet.