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Disturbing agenda is when woman
I can't believe they created woman
Woman was fine until that stupid bitch decided to eat the apple she was told not to eat. And now she destroyed everything for us. It’s the worst.
Woman was already not fine, the first woman didn't want to be under Adam and demanded wings.
My mom was a woman just one single time, and now she's always a women... FOREVER.
Women are liberal propaganda!
Atheist? Ash is in a universe with physical living pokemon gods. He's met them, personally.
That makes him a pagan atheist who also worships Pikachu Satan
Pokemon is just SMT lite, really.
I thought the whole joke over Brock was that he couldn't seduce anyone.
Honestly thought they'd love to see that kind of representation a kids show.
I also want a reboot in the Chainsaw man universe