Definitely related. EVs are relatively new technology and internal knowledge for engineering R&D, materials, and manufacturing infrastructure all have to be spun up. All this, and you need marketing/planning folks to decide on what sort of vehicle will sell the best against their engineering capabilities.
With a sign like that, they definitely need a cashier that knows their math.
The freakout definitely feels overblown. Having to account for California law seems like a perfectly legitimate reason. I'm actually surprised they originally had a separate link to clarify their privacy policy as the video pointed out.
Seem like the whole thing revolves around Mozilla's poor messaging to correct for poor messaging ( correct for poor messaging) and the internet's knee-jerk, algorithmic-fueled rage to anything with nuance. Then again, FOSS with good PR/messaging sounds like a unicorn situation.
It's not winning, it's about "the libs" losing -- and that's enough for them.
True, but California is a big market. Odds are the companies will comply and some will be too lazy to create alternate rules for other states.
Probably because it's made by the same creator!
In the US, the high-end kitchen supply shops like Sur la Table and Williams Sonoma offer knife sharpening services for $5 per knife.
You might have luck with a store similar to them -- just be sure they have the tools for the angle you want.
Athletic Cut
Oh that irony would be painful.
Better marketing, better UI, lots of users, and plenty of non-political content.
Valid point and well communicated. Thanks for sharing!