Honestly thought this was c/theonion at first. We're fucked, aren't we?
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What do we call that situation? Burped the onion?
It's Florida. It's always been stupid there.
Bro, even the goddamn lynch law era pretended to have an excuse.
This is a tragedy, but let’s look on the bright side: a murderous racist is (probably) going to jail.
And another pro-genocide racist got shot. Where's the tragedy?
lol maybe I should have said potential tragedy. A decent human being might have been hurt.
that tensions are so high and bled into our environs insomuch that people are preventably wooled-over-eyes with racism and bigotry killing each other for nothing?
This isn't about tensions. The horrible people involved in this incident would have been horrible regardless of the political situation. They just have an excuse to make it acceptable at the moment.
This just makes no sense. He's not even trying to fake self defense, just "they looked Palestinian so I started shooting". What?!
Maybe he thinks hate crimes are about to be the next wave of pardonable offenses by the supreme cheeto.
The real messed up part is I'm not convinced it's impossible.
They’re Zionists, that’s all the justification they need.
What a headline