awwwww no need to hide ur feeling in a silli twitter post <3
if u feel uncomf u can tell us (also also stop collaborating with red hat man) maybe we can be genuine frens maybe if u really try
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awwwww no need to hide ur feeling in a silli twitter post <3
if u feel uncomf u can tell us (also also stop collaborating with red hat man) maybe we can be genuine frens maybe if u really try
Ahhh yes feeding the troll, that'll stop his ego
oh we aren’t allowed to make jokes anymore are we smart guy
This slop is right up there with calling him "Elonia" and misgendering him. I hate his guts, but I wish folks would just call him weird and perverted instead of joking that he's trans.
hm i hear you but it’s at least one tier below in terms of slop level to me.
like the man did say “i’m not cis, you are.” those were his words haha. but yeah im totally with you about misgendering and stuff.
Yeah completely fair. It's so infuriating, but he walks into it...
I'm in agreement, we shouldn't make misgendering someone out like it's okay, and especially shouldn't make it out that someone being trans is somehow an insult. We need to call out Elon Musk for the evil and disgusting things he's done.
We aren't joking. He is telling us himself.
That he doesn't understand the concept is up to him.
I think he meant to say "racist" in there. He's racist but thinks everyone else is.
Oooohh it’s spelled ray-cis, I see!