I hope not. We need the competition, tbh. Both in CPUs and GPUs, acquisitions never seem to help.
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So who is it, and what might that have to do with Intel’s current CEO situation? Please sit down before reading on, reader safety comes first.
Note: The following is analysis for professional level subscribers only.
This website is fishing for subscriptions.
It's SA. That's been their main source of income for over a decade. I don't like it, but I can't really fault Charlie for it either when they publish information that isn't publically available.
I saw this on Slashdot before I saw it on Lemmy and opted out not to link it here after some consideration. Even if someone had a good track record on leaking things this sounds like something between episode of mythomania and a con playing on the same emotions conspiracy theories do. Even if this information was right, what use is it to anyone who doesn’t know this already? They’re scamming people by making them believe they’re participating in something important but it is completely irrelevant to their personal and professional lives. Pretty scummy all around.
It's Elon. Supposedly mandated by his new boss...
More info will come out after the 20th...
Fat chance any sane country would allow anyone to acquire intel.
Bold to claim the US is sane.
I am assuming Qualcomm is out, so that would only leave Nvidia and Broadcom.