There will always be problems and money offers solutions to a lot of problems. So even if your problems grow, it's possible for your solutions to grow faster.
Yeah, that sounds like the correct setting and you are correct on the Intel graphics.
The Bios may have a setting telling it to use the onboarding video first. I would check bios settings for that.
It sounds like you are fundamentally trying to embrace healthier habits. I would suggest starting by examining the feeling. Just spend some time thinking about it before acting. Why do I feel motivated to do this? How will I feel while doing it? How will I feel after? Do I gain something from this worth the downsides?
The goal is to make a decision about what you are doing and why instead of just falling into old patterns of behavior with thought.
My guess is the will keep making GPUs for data center and keep consumer GPUs on a very limited product line/budget.
My perspective. I don't think anyone has done anything wrong in this situation. You are clearly upset because you are worried about your friend. You are upset because the other person does not feel the concerned for your friend the way you are. That response is understandable, but not rational. Humans be like that.
I think the idea of leaving your family celebration early to spend some time with your friend is a reasonable solution. Nobody gets everything, but nobody is left out.
I understand that my view point is lacking in years of nuance for the situation and could be totally off. I leave you to judge how accurate/useful my perspective is.
I'm inclined to treat the body with what I would call "professionalism". You are not emotionally attached beyond the desire to do your job well. Though I am not opposed to some people getting a burial at sea. The better for them to be forgotten.
Many times the best way to respond to strong emotions is to just sit with it. Sit and do nothing but experience it. Don't try to "solve the problem", don't shove it down.
Yeah. Human memory evolved to keep us alive not happy. Brain assumes anything that stressful must be life threatening and we obviously should remember that so we can avoid it in the future.
I personally find having a rational understanding of the utility of emotions helps me process them.
It's bell curves all the way down.
If the iGPU is getting the job done, I would leave that alone. You could add a GPU and pass it through to a gaming VM. But that is an entirely different project.
My Dad was a truck driver and died from bladder cancer. Please don't hold it when you don't have to.