Updated ESA map with 10 m contours and scale (screen grab)
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Updated ESA map with 10 m contours and scale (screen grab)
Drive data from JPL's JSON URLs
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Based on yesterday's images, they're thinking of drilling again, but we've moved 30 m downhill since! I guess Percy was being an impatient horsey again (and to be fair, we hadn't moved in over a week anyway).
17 days sat in one place is a long time without coring. I'm glad we're back on the road again.
Looking at the post-drive NavCam images we have so far, there are no hi-res images of the fractured bedrock in the workspace, so I'm assuming there will be another drive to the East on 1381, closing in on the next science waypoint :)
Screen Grab from the JPL location map
Image credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UofA.