How does green coffee production by country relate to per person coffee consumption? There is a ton of data missing here...
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i was amazed reading that our annual worldwide production is close to 10 million tons of coffee. But then, figuring what this means in terms of individual consumption, i see it is not that much ...
One may have 1 coffee that is (aprox.) 12 g of torified coffee or 15 g of green coffee per day so ...
hummm : 15 g x 365 → aprox 5.5 kg / year
... and i bet a lot of Lemmy users drink more.
Good estimates, me thinks. I personally make a pot of coffee almost every morning (5 days a week, usually), using 5-6 tablespoons of grounds. This has been going on for a minimum of 25 years. For about 10 years of that, I could usually drink a pot and a half, so between 10-16 tablespoons a day. (
Using a one pot average (@ 5-15g coffee per tablespoon) puts me between 1.4kg/yr and 3.9kg/yr, depending on the density of my coffee.
I have a feeling that I missed a multiplier because I am tired. (3.9kg seems low. 5x seems more realistic.)
So we both are above average coffee drinkers. I wish you get some rest 🥱😴
Here is my measurement of the weight of five tablespoons of coffee :