Ended the day at 2.3% lower which is basically a normal day and not indicative that anyone at this stage believes Boeing will take the blame.
This is not news.
Other communities of interest:
Ended the day at 2.3% lower which is basically a normal day and not indicative that anyone at this stage believes Boeing will take the blame.
This is not news.
Party pooper.
I will absolutely dump on any party built around drumming attention to moot points! 🎉💩
One can only admire your dedication!
Even if was a more significant loss, stock prices aren't necessarily how investors believe a firm will fare in the future, they're gambling on whether other investors will pull out or put in.
The cause of Sunday's crash in which all […] aboard the […] flight [???] remains under investigation.
Did they just delete the word “died”?
"... were burnt to a crisp"
More likely sloppy writing and pisspoor copy-editing than deliberate omission. I see similar errors in articles from other orgs daily. The news industry has rotted to this point even at prestigious orgs, though less severely.
Boeing killed John Barnett
In a strange coincidence, all 179 victims were whistleblowers on their way to testify against boeing...
I knew it, X-mas was invented by Boeing to get rid of whistleblowers. #EXPOSED!
We should nationalize Boeing
No, let them clean up their own mess.
But perhaps stop awarding them government contracts until they do?
We already paid them multiple times through bail out.
We should nationalize Boeing