Hey, we found the only ethical consumption under capitalism.
Great work, team!
A place to share activist and polemical art (visual and textual art with a critical social message).
Didactic, informatively conceptual arts imply collective action, encouraging us to make the world a better place.
Street art, murals, stickers, zines, and other forms of eye-catching arts can be shared with others and discussed here.
You may include photos of your own or other's artworks displayed in public.
Art opposing the Right Wing is the so far the most popular.
Enjoy! Looking forward to seeing and discussing what is shared!
On Copy Right Exemptions and Fair Use https://www.copyrightuser.org/understand/exceptions/
Hey, we found the only ethical consumption under capitalism.
Great work, team!
I'm too lazy to do it and I'm away from my main computer ...
but here's a photoshop idea ... a photoshop of a Cheerios cereal box and make it read CEOs instead
mmmm .... sweet delicious corporate millionaires
I was looking at this one like "if only the S were twirled around the fork like spaghetti" that would be perfect
Deny, defend, depose
Fry, sauté, smoke
Dentate, Digest, Defecate
Is it clear "dentate" means chew?
I assumed it at least
Don't let your dreams be dreams
Don’t eat shit, mulch the rich.
We the Dutch once did this (eat our prime minister). I can highly recommend, 4/5 stars.