Holy fuck glad I built my PC this year.
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So much for trying to buy a 5000 series.
Maybe the 4000 series will go down in price when the 5000 series is officially released?
I hope so, but I fear the tariffs will mess with the pricing on all cards.
It seems like they're trying to out price their own last Gen cards so they don't have to mark them down. They'll just seem cheaper in comparison to the new $2000-$2500 cards
Intel Arc B580… RTX4060 performance for only $250
Tariffs will affect all cards from all generations if they're still being imported.
And if not they'll tend to go up as stocks empty.
Is the proposed 60% tariff on China still relevant? I get the impression this was an election pitch and the current proposal from the incoming administration is a 10% on Chinese imports to the US.
The $2.5 K proposed price for the 5090 is based on a 40% tariff. Why not 60%? The baseline price still seems to be ~$1,800 which aligns with earlier leaks.
I bet they'll give it an insane price and blame it on tariffs regardless of the actual tariff rate. The people who can afford these top-end Nvidia GPUs won't care.