this post was submitted on 24 Dec 2024
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Day 24: Crossed Wires

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[โ€“] VegOwOtenks 3 points 2 months ago


Part 1 was trivial, just apply the operations and delay certain ones until you have all the inputs you need.


import Control.Arrow
import Data.Bits
import Numeric

import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map

parse s = (Map.fromList inputs, equations)
                ls = lines s
                inputs = map (take 3 &&& (== "1") . drop 5) . takeWhile (/= "") $ ls
                equations = map words . filter (/= "") . tail . dropWhile (/= "") $ ls

operations = Map.fromList
        [ ("AND", (&&))
        , ("XOR", xor)
        , ("OR", (||))

solveEquations is []     = is
solveEquations is (e:es)
        | is Map.!? input1 == Nothing = solveEquations is (es ++ [e])
        | is Map.!? input2 == Nothing = solveEquations is (es ++ [e])
        | otherwise      = solveEquations (Map.insert output (opfunc value1 value2) is) es
                value1 = is Map.! input1
                value2 = is Map.! input2
                opfunc = operations Map.! operation
                (input1:operation:input2:_:output:[]) = e

wireNumber prefix = List.filter ((prefix `List.isPrefixOf`) . fst)
        >>> flip zip [0..]
        >>> List.filter (snd . fst)
        >>> ((2 ^ ). snd)
        >>> sum

part1 = uncurry solveEquations
        >>> Map.toList
        >>> wireNumber "z"

part2 (is, es) = List.intercalate "," . List.sort . words $ "z08 ffj dwp kfm z22 gjh jdr z31"

main = getContents
        >>= print
        . (part1 &&& part2)
        . parse

For part 2 I tried symbolic solving to detect discrepancies but I wouldn't achieve anything with it.


data SymbolicEquation = Single { eqName :: String }
        | Combine
        { eqName :: String
        , eqOperation :: String
        , eqLeft :: SymbolicEquation
        , eqRight :: SymbolicEquation
        deriving (Eq)

instance Show SymbolicEquation where
        show (Single name) = name
        show (Combine name op l r) = "(" ++ name ++ "= " ++ show l ++ " " ++ op ++ " " ++ show r ++ ")"

symbolicSolve is [] = is
symbolicSolve is (e:es)
        | is Map.!? input1 == Nothing = symbolicSolve is (es ++ [e])
        | is Map.!? input2 == Nothing = symbolicSolve is (es ++ [e])
        | otherwise = symbolicSolve (Map.insert output (Combine output operation value1 value2) is) es
                value1 = is Map.! input1
                value2 = is Map.! input2
                (input1:operation:input2:_:output:[]) = e

My solution was to use the dotEngine-function to translate the operations into a digraph in graphviz-style which I simply plotted and searched through using a python script.


dotEngine (input1:operation:input2:_:output:[]) = [
          input1 ++ " -> " ++ output ++ " [ label=" ++ operation ++ "];"
        , input2 ++ " -> " ++ output ++ " [ label=" ++ operation ++ "];"

I took a loook at the initial graph which was a vertical line with a few exception which I figured would be the misordered wires. I did try some hardware-simulations in the far past to build bit-adders which helped me recognize patterns like carry calculation. First I replaced all occurences of x__ XOR y__ -> w with x__ XOR y__ -> xor__ to recognize them more easily. The same with AND of xs and ys. Using the following script I would then use some Regex to search for the rules that corresponded to carry calculations or structures I knew. The script would break exactly four times and I would then figure out what to switch by hand through looking at the updated graphViz.

Please excuse the bad coding style in the script, I had written it on the ipython-REPL.

python script

r = open("input").read()
for i in range(2, 45):
    prevI = str(i - 1).zfill(2)
    I = str(i).zfill(2)
    forward = f"xor{I} AND carry{prevI} -> (\\w+)"
    backward = f"carry{prevI} AND xor{I} -> (\\w+)"
    m1 =, r)
    m2 =, r)
    if m1 is None and m2 is None:
        print(forward, backward)
    m = m1 or m2
    r = r.replace(, f"combinedCarry{I}")
    forward = f"and{I} OR combinedCarry{I} -> (\\w+)"
    backward = f"combinedCarry{I} OR and{I} -> (\\w+)"
    m1 =, r)
    m2 =, r)
    if m1 is None and m2 is None:
        print(forward, backward)
    m = m1 or m2
    r = r.replace(, f"carry{I}")
open("input", "w").write()

When solving such a swapped wire problem I would then use my haskell function to plot it out again and stare at it for a few minutes until I understood wich parts belonged where.

The last one looked like this
GraphViz of the last set of problem wires

In this one I needed to switch jdr and carry31 to make it work.