For owls that are superb.
US Wild Animal Rescue Database: Animal Help Now
International Wildlife Rescues:
Australia Rescue Help: WIRES
Germany-Austria-Switzerland-Italy Wild Bird Rescue:
If you find an injured owl:
Note your exact location so the owl can be released back where it came from. Contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitation specialist to get correct advice and immediate assistance.
Minimize stress for the owl. If you can catch it, toss a towel or sweater over it and get it in a cardboard box or pet carrier. It should have room to be comfortable but not so much it can panic and injure itself. If you can’t catch it, keep people and animals away until help can come.
Do not give food or water! If you feed them the wrong thing or give them water improperly, you can accidentally kill them. It can also cause problems if they require anesthesia once help arrives, complicating procedures and costing valuable time.
If it is a baby owl, and it looks safe and uninjured, leave it be. Time on the ground is part of their growing up. They can fly to some extent and climb trees. If animals or people are nearby, put it up on a branch so it’s safe. If it’s injured, follow the above advice.
For more detailed help, see the OwlPages Rescue page.
It's so small!! I'm dying from the cuteness!
I tried to balance highlighting its wee stature while also keeping it large enough to see how cute it is! 😅
That towel pic! 🥰 And what an impressive wingspan! lol
People love the towel, but that teensy wingspan really did me in! 🥰
They're so little! I know this, but it still amazes me
I thought their enclosure was empty the one time I got to see some. In my third it forth look, I finally found 3 of them picked into the back corner. Pretty much all I saw was 6 beady eyes watching me! 👀👀👀
Real David versus Goliath situation going on here!
In that last one it looks like it's imitating the Eurasian Eagle. Love it.
It's hard to find pics where it actually looks intimidating, but I picked that one and the side-by-side photo one to make it look a little macho like it's standing up to the Eagle Owl.
Oh, and he's back in the lead again now. I hope this one is as competetive as the last match.
So expressive! And very cute.
Saw Whet brand owls contain more cuteness per gram then the leading national brand!
That 5th pic is great! So unimpressed. Or maybe just sleepy. 😴
That was a late substitution for another pic. It looked like a sourpuss in that one, and I thought this was better. Seems I guessed correctly.
Bubo bubo \o/
Superb Owl has all the Bubo just for you-bo!
Hell yeah
Both competitors had great match ups last night and really earned these spots!
They're both really bringing their best here today, and I hope they make it hard to pick, and they are both truly excellent animals.
I hope you've had a great time participating. It's been a ton of work, but it's gotten many new people to comment and share, we've gone from almost falling to the third page of top communities to being back on the first. I hope you stick around into the coming year to see more great photos from around the world and get to learn many new things about the amazing world of owls!
thank you for making this instance my absolute favorite. i get so happy when I see these little owls 😊
It always makes me happy to know doing this makes so many of you feel good.
I hope you continue to hang out with us, and don't be afraid to chime in with a comment or question now and then.
Don't feel you need to add something witty or smart, just let me know what you like about it so I can give you more of what you enjoy. The owl, the backdrop, the lighting, etc.
i love it all! i send friends owl pictures now. and owl facts sometimes and I think its annoying them. but I love it. XD
That's what I love to hear!
It was great, as always. My girlfried said she has to make an account for next year, so we can vote independently :-) Thank you so much for organising it! It was a lot of fun and surprising about of suspense.
I have just one suggestion. How about including latin names, at least in one place? It would make it easier to find correct local names. At the moment, I'm not really sure about the identities of some of the owls in my language, it would push me to learn them.
Oh my, what an oversight on my part! That is an excellent suggestion. Here is a list so you can find any you've been wondering about.
List of Owl Species w/ Latin Names
I've been thinking about getting some things like this together to add to the sidebar, and that is a real good one.
The owls look forward to her votes for next year!
The owl of the year is a great door to the fediverse. I have been using my alts to account for my family's votes.
How about including latin names
I think they all have English wikipedia pages, which give their Latin names. For example: Eurasian eagle-owl and Northern saw-whet. Many also have wikipedia pages in other languages.
You just accidentally reminded me that all the countries' wikis are not direct translations from one source.
For fun, I just went to the French page for the Eurasian Eagle, and amongst other things, it gave me some French laws concerning the EEO, the department in the government that handles raptor licensing, and this cool French cave art of a horned owl!
As I learn where some of you are from, it makes me want to do more internationally focused things, and this could be a good way for me to find starting points to do that.
This year I've been dropping downvotes instead of counting them as accidental missed upvotes. It hasn't affected an outcome one way or another so far, but if this is a close one, it could. Someone's got a downer on the Eagle Owl, so double check what your finger poked if you want to be counted!
Ahh I've missed so many rounds this week, so busy & wiped from work! I missed my Snowy vs Barn owl round, which would have been an impossible choice, and now they're both out!
So Saw Whet vs Eurasian Eagle in the grand final, so different yet both pretty awesome looking birds! Do I go with the Snowy-beater as a sign of respect, or against in spite?!!
Maybe a more fairer approach is needed so some research: "The arrival of a new Eagle Owl in the vicinity causes panic amongst other birds of prey and a general re-arrangement of territories usually follows as its new neighbours try to give it a wide berth." Now that's one mean BoP!
"They prey mainly on mammals, chiefly rabbit and hare, but have been known to take roe deer and foxes which they kill by crushing their skulls with their huge, powerful feet." Oof, even I'd keep well clear of such a beast!!
Top points for being the king of the jungle (well forest really!)
So Saw Whet, what've you got?
"Saw-whet Owls may be preyed upon by larger species of owls and hawks. Starlings and squirrels compete with them for nesting cavities and also plunder nests and kill owlets." For such a teeny owl it's inevitable to get a lot of greif but you've got to be a tough little cookie to not get completely pushed around! Bonus points for taking on the big bad world!
"A true night owl....When prey is plentiful, they will kill more than they can eat at once, caching the excess in a safe place." A few extra points for intelligent resource use and tactical survival, I think!
So does that help me choose....well not much, but good to learn a little more about these big-eyed feathery creatures!
I think I'm won over by EEOs conquering of snowy, no mean feat, and it's all round bossing of its territory! I may well have doubts after my vote is cast, but the choice is now made! Go EEO!!
It pleases me to no end to see someone vet the candidates so well!
Saw Whet is a badass bird for its size, but the might of the Eagle Owls is undeniable.
You make such an effort in doing this I'm more than happy to support you and join in the discussions. Being the final a little extra effort was made! :)
Saw Whet's in the lead as I type, but not by much.
Some more votes for EEO folks, let's make it the biggest AND the best!!
I'm sad but the saw whet is much worthy of its title.
I will keep the Gran Duc content coming!
Just got some great videos of a Great Horned teaching some eagles a lesson!