this post was submitted on 29 Jul 2023
25 points (96.3% liked)
Mental Health
11 readers
1 users here now
A community for discussing personal mental health struggles, support each other in navigating mental health issues, and providing information about mental health care.
Global Suicide Hotline Directory: here
LGBTQ Youth-Specific: Trevor Project
Post Guidelines (Work-In-Progress - 8/10/2022):
- Content warnings are required in post titles if discussing topics that could potentially be triggering, please use common sense and best judgement for this.
- Use title tags if possible to help people know what you are posting about (Example: [Venting], [Advice Needed], [Resource], [Discussion], etc.).
- If you are posting information to help others, please try to make sure it is evidence-based treatment; homeopathic/naturopathic treatment and spiritual guidance is absolutely fine, within reason, but please note this in the title or body of the post.
General Community Rules (Work-In-Progress - 8/10/2022):
- I will tone police, if you are being an ass, i will shut you down. I will not allow a breakdown of decorum in this support focused community. If you want to scream about how terrible psychiatry is or shit talk anti-psychiatry, find another community for that. or make a new one.
- This is a positive and supportive place, treat others like you want to be treated, give someone the benefit of the doubt, and help where you can help.
founded 2 years ago