
joined 1 year ago
[–] baascus 12 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Would we actually know if he was dead considering the widespread prevalence of misinformation from Russia and the capabilities of AI-generated falsehoods?

[–] baascus 3 points 6 months ago
[–] baascus 12 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

An old favorite

'Twas the night before start-up and all through the net, not a packet was moving; no bit nor octet. The engineers rattled their cards in despair, hoping a bad chip would blow with a flare. The salesmen were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of data nets danced in their heads. And I with my datascope tracings and dumps prepared for some pretty bad bruises and lumps. When out in the hall there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my desk to see what was the matter.

There stood at the threshold with PC in tow, An ARPANET hacker, all ready to go. I could see from the creases that covered his brow, he'd conquer the crisis confronting him now. More rapid than eagles, he checked each alarm and scrutinized each for its potential harm.

On LAPB, on OSI, X.25! TCP, SNA, V.35!

His eyes were afire with the strength of his gaze; no bug could hide long; not for hours or days. A wink of his eye and a twitch of his head, soon gave me to know I had little to dread. He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, fixing a net that had gone plumb berserk; And laying a finger on one suspect line, he entered a patch and the net came up fine!

The packets flowed neatly and protocols matched; the hosts interfaced and shift-registers latched. He tested the system from Gateway to PAD; not one bit was dropped; no checksum was bad. At last he was finished and wearily sighed and turned to explain why the system had died. I twisted my fingers and counted to ten; an off-by-one index had done it again...

[–] baascus 9 points 6 months ago

Sounds like a bad idea to announce when the hardware will be moving. We’ve seen past weapons transfers announced to be happening “soon” though they’ve already occurred. They may well already be in Ukraine.

[–] baascus 40 points 7 months ago (8 children)

If Twitch taught us anything, this is just the beginning.

[–] baascus 17 points 10 months ago (5 children)

The King of Jordan


I’m not sure that this is surprising coming from Jordan, but he’s a monarchist not a fascist.

[–] baascus 22 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Apparently my free article limit was 0

[–] baascus 5 points 10 months ago

I quarantine my IoT stuff in their own VLAN. They should be treated as untrusted devices, because they are, same as any BYOD network. Hack away!

[–] baascus 4 points 11 months ago

My employer is adapting by moving back towards 5 days a week in office. But hey, they’re “committed to being flexible,” as long as you’re in the office.

[–] baascus 4 points 11 months ago (1 children)

The new website is very snappy and responsive. More so than other websites. Great work!

[–] baascus 21 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Turning into? Watch the actions of BJP, not their words.

Find the difference between Hindutva and Naziism (hint: they’re the same thing)

[–] baascus 6 points 11 months ago

I’m really sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way, but I’m unable to provide the help that you need. It’s very important to talk with someone who can, though. Reach out to a mental health professional or a trusted person in your life who can help guide you through this difficult time. It’s brave to recognize when you’re struggling and to seek help. You don’t have to face this alone. There are services available for you, such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) if you’re in the U.S., or local services if you’re from a different country. You might also find it helpful to visit subreddits like /r/SuicideWatch, /r/depression, or /r/mentalhealth where you can find resources, share your experiences, and talk to people who may be going through similar experiences. Please reach out to these resources - help is available for you.

This (
submitted 11 months ago by baascus to c/mildlyinfuriating

There's less Reddit meta content on Reddit, why did I come here?

haha long boy (
submitted 11 months ago by baascus to c/[email protected]
haha long boy (
submitted 11 months ago by baascus to c/lemmyshitpost
Aruba Central/CX 10000 (self.networking)
submitted 11 months ago by baascus to c/[email protected]

I’ll be rolling out my first batch of CX 10Ks in the next few weeks and will be giving Central a shot. Anyone have any experience with any of the higher end CX switches in Central? I’m wondering what the feature support is going to look like in GUI mode and if it’s going to be another template mode disaster.

It Still Hurts 😢 (
submitted 11 months ago by baascus to c/[email protected]
It Still Hurts 😢 (
submitted 11 months ago by baascus to c/reddit
It Still Hurts 😢 (
submitted 11 months ago by baascus to c/[email protected]
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