The machine gun and Sickle seem to do a pretty good job.
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I was thinking using the heavy ap MG to offset the sickles light ap
Ive never really used machine guns before so I’m open to suggestions
Each one has an adjustable ap, and the heavy MG kind of sucks. The only enemy, so far, with heavy armor is the strider-like laser shooting ones. Those need rockets or at the very least the auto cannon (which takes more than a full magazine to take down.)
This is what I have found is working for me
Primary: Arc-12 Blitzer Its great at dealing with hords of voteless and doesn't need to be reloaded. Might be able to replace it with something like the sickle but mainly just needs to be a good weapon at clearing voteless and Overseers.
Secondary: Anything I've been playing with the CQC-30 Stun Baton or P-113 Verdict but honestly haven't really been using my secondary. Could probably replace this with whatever you prefer
Support: MLS-4X Commando I've also tried the Quasar Cannon but it's hard to top the commando. It has a pretty short cooldown time and can deal with harvesters. The first 2 shots will break the shield leaving the last 2 to take out the legs
A/ARC-3 Tesla Tower Honestly this thing seems really underrated. I've gotten 30+ kill streaks using it pretty regularly with it. I also haven't seen anyone else bring it. Since it was buffed in patch 01.001.104 it's been pretty strong
The last 2 stratagems depend on the type of mission. For regular missions you need something to break the shields of the ships on the ground. I like the eagle airstrike but most airstrikes and orbitals should work for this.
I also like to bring a backpack. My preference is the jump pack but I've heard other having success with the laser guard dog and shield generator pack. A jump pack works quite well if you get overwhelmed by voteless though and helps traverse the map quicker
For defense missions I would say it's pretty similar to bots. Bring a bunch of sentrys, maybe a Emancipator Exosuit. You also don't really need the commando or jump pack for this
Still playing around with different armors. Though armor with electrical conduit might actually have a place in the game now. Some of the illuminate attacks are arc and if you are running around with a Blitzer and Tesla Tower it can be useful
Primary: Arc-12 Blitzer
Overseers and flying squids take too many shots with this, it does stun them, though. Otherwise I wholeheartedly agree on this primary for clearing groups of voteless. If you pair it with the Senator or grenade gun for the larger guys you have a solid combo for crowds and single heavies. Another drawback is not having a primary to drop shields from range but this can be solved with stratagem weapons and call ins.
Support: MLS-4X Commando
I love having this on a quick cooldown but like all weapons I have inconsistent results; sometimes 1 shot downs them sometimes they sirvive a full commando, 34T1T, 500kg, spear, and an orbital strike just for someone to down it with a thrown grenade. I know I'm bad, but not this bad? I hope.
the Tesla tower in the middle of the street is an absolute beast
I'm messing around with the tripods, so far it seems that cutting off their legs seems the best. Railgun does it in two hits but is hard to aim, anti material does it in 4 but is much easier and more consistent, and it's better for the dudes with guns.
It takes up two slots but I like taking autocannon and using flak as my main. When tripods show up I will call down a commando, break their shield with the cannon then hit them with commando rockets. It's been working pretty solid for bringing them down and giving me lots of anti-air/crowd control.
I'm going to try a similar loadout with grenade launcher and eatit. Again, the issue is taking two slots but it's dependable and the first one is definitely versatile.
AMR is decent, haven’t really settled on a primary, but the breaker incendiary isn’t as much of a crowd clearer as it is for bugs. I want to try some SMGs and see if I can find one I like.
I tried the breaker myself against the zombies it might as well be shooting cat poo
Yeah, I ended up aiming higher than normal because it was more effective to get random headshots than to fire into a group center mass haha
Tried the JAR as with most things it slaps but it does lack the handling and capacity to deal with the swarming zombies easily. The grenade launcher was surprisingly effective against everything up to the tripods.
The adjudicator seemed to work well for my buddy.
I'm wondering how well the arc thrower would work. The auto aim and stun would be really handy against the jetpack dudes. Gonna try that next.
I just ran arc main, guard dog liberator, laser cannon, and senator. It worked pretty well with arc clearing groups well, lib keeping trash off me while laser cannoning tripods. I still haven't got the hang of shooting their legs or weakpoints. Likewise for the saucers.
All the shields can be taken down with any weapon, you don't need anything heavy. I've been taking them down with sickle to then one shot tripods with quasar aiming at where their legs connect to the body or just throw a grenade in to landed UFOs open hatch. Haven't figured out where to aim on flying UFOs to one shot the with quasar yet.
I'm having a lot of fun with the Blitzer and flamethrower, neither of which touches my normal loadout. The vote less go down really quickly to fire and the Blitzer can clear out smaller crowds along with handling the illuminate pretty quickly. One effect I haven't seen many people talking about is electricity will stun the drones with the purple light, causing them to pause their slow debuff.
Also in my limited experience, fire seems to perform inconsistently against shields right now. Sometimes it will burn a tripod shield down in a second, sometimes it seems to do nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the arc thrower is very good at dealing with overseers and voteless
I just use the incin breaker with the Deagle hand cannon for the overseers and scanners. The harvesters get a middle finger and legs carry me away.
Mortar turret is nice, 380 for base bombing, 500kg for single target spawners, and i havent settled on a 4th strat yet
Laser beam for the Walker legs seem to work ok.