What's the update do? Increase system voltage and PL2 Thresholds to the point the chip fries itself?
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Pretty much ups the voltage and frequency steps that the rumor listed and Asrock's press release states.
The Intel® Platform Power Management driver dynamically adjusts processor frequency and voltage based on system loading, offering more efficient power management functionality. This allows consumers to enjoy improved system and gaming performance.
"Bullshit" - anyone with critical thinking skills
bUt it said "Gaming"!
"GAMING" in 2024 = has RGB
Processon even haven't RGB such bad CPU 😁
Such a stupid way to name the processors. I will always hate it
how much intel paid for this
how much of that came from US bail out funds for "the fabs" for "national security"
Early adopters? Were they held at gunpoint? Even if you were a team blue fan you'd still just buy the older more performant generation... for a better price and not even think twice.