I can do the bottom three just fine. I cannot out-rap most professionals at present.
Bikini Bottom Twitter
Are ya ready kids?!
people who talk at the end of commercials
I thought these were a joke until I saw a TV ad that actually did it. You'd think it makes the scam hilariously obvious.
In brazil they just say government mandated shit like "talk to a doctor before buying meds" or "dont drink and drive" in lawyer speech
In America it's more like, "Bazynga has been shown in the lab to treat bone cancer with a 100% success rate! Ask your doctor today if Bazynga is right for you!"
^sideeffectsofBazyngamayincludeheadachenauseaupsetstomachbonecancerorboneitis. ^InsomecasesBazyngamaymakeyourbonecancerworse. ^Stopuseandaskyourdoctorifyourlegscomeoff.
Mine was for some quick loan company, with their spectacularly shit terms explained at the end. It was both the first and the last time I've seen these here, so I guess it didn't take off.
There’s a Werner Herzog documentary about an auction-calling competition titled “How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck” which is well worth seeing.
Spanish football commentators
Busta rhymes
King Iso
Twisted Insane
Both would fit in at 2x rap god
Boomhauer must be Shaggy levels of godlike power.
People who can sing the bridge of Hardware Store by Weird Al.
Just wait until you talk to a newfie