I really wish the United States would do something like that
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The UAW's working on it. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/22/autoworkers-uaw-shawn-fain-may-2028-national-strike
I think the world should do that altogether! Burn this capitalistic dystopian fascistic neoliberal nightmare that killing us all to the ground and build from scratch.
And build what? Communism? That will surely work very well!!
How about we try Democracy for a change?
How you don’t have democracy?
I am not Greek. I wish my countrymen had the courage the people of Greece do.
I have no idea how that refers to your “trying out democracy” thing.
It'd be better suited in Russia economy wise, and China as far as government restructuring is needed.
It’s just as needed in the US as it is China or Russia. Those 3 countries all need government restructuring and helping workers afford to live.
Oh boy is it time for another nation-wide economic experiment?
Although the poor in Greece will face the brunt now, the inflation globally will help with Greek debt levels, so young Greeks are less saddled with past spending. The crackdown on evasion makes it fairer too. So looks like progress, they just need to make sure to lift up those at the bottom.
This surely helps the economy
... People having enough to buy food? Why yes, it does.
The fact you stop working and start protesting does not magically lower the prices of food. That’s unfortunately not the way the world works.
I see this is difficult to comprehend.
What does hurting the production owner's income do?
When you hurt the production owner’s income, they have to cut costs. One of the way to do it is to lay of employees.
That's an option. People generally put their jobs directly at risk when they don't have much other opportunity for improvement. Do you know something they don't?
If enough people refuse to return to work, output shrinks, never mind the damaged reputation of the company. And reputation counts, would you work at Walmart expecting a positive experience? Shrunken output means purchasers will start looking elsewhere to meet their needs, further damaging that employer.
Scale it up to a state level. Things get much more complex, the web of supply/demand gets both more complex... But also provides more options. This protest is likely going to get officials to look into things like self-sufficiency where possible vs import, considerations of how to better apply taxes to keep said officials out of jeopardy, and so on.
None of this is simple, nor are solutions straightforward. My point, and worker's in general, is that people want to be able to afford basic staples for a fair amount of work, and if the people aren't getting their end of the bargain, the "owners" have very limited time to get with the program or things will change.