Would this be a good time to mention that my uncle used to collect Midgets. He had three of them if I remember and even had one of them stretched.
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I've reported this to the Police. A crime has been committed, I'm just not sure which one.
Can we petition to stop Greene King? Their beer is fucking awful.
isnt it like 3.5 apv
It's not the strength I object to, it's the taste. I'm sure they put too much vinegar in their IPA, for example.
Has anyone actually asked a midget I'd they're offended? Because if not, shut up.
There aren't many around to ask.
What happened to them? Cancelled?
Improvement in medicine and diet.
Surely campaigns like this are simply run from Russian troll farms so that CHUDs can point of them as examples of “woke” overreaction.
That's so stupid
Which bit?
Making a fuss about the name Midget because it's offensive, if it's already been named that for decades. Idk
Negro existed for 400 years or more.
Miget came from greak shows fron the 1700s.
Arsehole has a very long history. But you would still be offended it I called you it? And likely object to a pub called the puckered arseholes retreat.
Actually scratch that. Id likely drink there. But yeah my point stands.
Every ofensive thing has a long history. Progress is non exisrant if we dont evolve. And language is one of the things that evolves rapidly.
Its more about why the name exists amd the links it crate. then the age of its creation.