
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Yep. But honestly the Tories are skilled at this shit. Labours lead has way more to do with hatred of the Tories. Then hope/love for labours offering. While the polls still have a large number of undecided responses.

The Tories know full well they only need dislike for labour or stammer to at the least leave labour with a weak majority maybe even change to a coalition government.

And while ill say the Tories are worse off for partners in the event that a coalition is needed. A Labour Lib Dem or less likely Labour SNP gov is not going to be hugely popular.

While the Tories turning things around with some last min bacon sandwich like crap is very doable. Fighting for a weak gov where they can take advantage on Labours infighting is likely the path they see ahead.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

spinning the take that this is a vote against the Tories not a vote for Labour

far from a false claim.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Agreed. But its not about starmer being good. Its about being less bad then the Tories.

FPTP is an utter fuck over of an electoral system. That leaves very few places where voting 3rd party or even not voting is not a vote for Tory rule.

Its unpleasant but a simple fact that evil is quantifiable. When your choice is limited via the voting system. Refusing to vote for the lesser of 2 evils basically means you support goes to the greater.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

I’m just doing it with more frustration than ever before

Pretty sure that represents the labour lead atm. Def folks wanting to vote against tories rather then for labour. Unfortunately it also leave the Tories with an open attack vector. They just need to time the right attack to dramatically split the left vote in Lab seats where they are still 2nd.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago (3 children)

They also tend to assume anyone with lower language skills are stupid.

Because they lack the ability to adapt to more varied information gathering methods.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago (3 children)

It is one I respect. The written English language is so filled with contradictions keeping track is impressive.

But judging people for not doing so. Is a bit like me as a Retired Software engineer judging folks who fail to understand C++ etc. It says more about my inability to recognise peoples use then the person I am judging.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

That is the definition of under estimation. Any theory can be wrong. But when you compare the cost of being prepared. Vs the cost of another 5 years of Tory rule. Its rather daft to ignore the money being there. Especially when you consider previous election manipulations the Tories and their right wing media supporters have managed.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago

Why are you still trying to link the two people still now.

Because that is where the Tories are likely spending some money. They keep bringing up the he supported Corbyn. They and the right wing of labour spent in the last election to destroy his reputation. So the Tory party sees it as a cheap attack to push the idea over social media.

I am a little disappointed that it is not answered with, how Rishi was willing to support a PM candidate with a racist publications in the media and later willing to lie to parliament to prevent their ability to shut down his policies.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 days ago (6 children)

Agreed. My grammar is bad. I am always happy when folks politely point out errors. Or ask to clarify things it confuses.

But I am also visually impaired. So situations like this where every obvious typo is pointed out. I judge as being someone looking to reinforce their own feeling of lacking intelligence.

Also, when you consider intelligence is a measure of a minds ability to adapt. Failing to interpret based on small errors in spelling etc. Is far from an indication of higher intelligence.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago (11 children)

Dysgraphia and Dyslexia are related to a failure within a certain section of the brain. Intelligence relates to the minds ability to take information from one domain of knowledge and apply it to others. IE the brains ability to adapt to new situations.

Language skills are a useful tool. Not a requirement for intelligence.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago (19 children)

yeah when a visually impaired person types on a tablet errors happen. I am now at my larger PC Monitor and planning to fix.

But remember. Grammar and spelling do not relate to the value of an opinion. They are not related to intelligence but judging folks for it is.

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is opinion. So read it as such. But consider it please.

Obviously if you read this based on the title. I assume you oppose the Tories.

But if you are wondering why labour are so keen to manage expectations. There is a reason.

Campaign funding wise the Tories are estimated to be 19m ahead of labour. But honestly at the moment they are not spending a huge amount more.

We know the Tories are skilled at election manipulation. So there is genuine fear that the Tories plan to launch a campaign within the last few days.

I.E. when there is less time and funding to ensure fact checking is effective.

They know Starmer is more publicity aware then Corbyn was. He is able to play it in a way that dose not scare traditional Conservative voters.

They also know thanks to Boris, that the courts are unable to punish them for outright lies during any political campaign. And that Rishi is prepared to lie about and accuse civil servants of lying when challenged.

As huge as polling is against the Tories. All it would take is some dramatic claim against the party or Starmer. To convince Tory traditional voters to bite their tongue and vote Tory. While convincing left wing voters not to vote or to switch to 3rd party in seats where labour are the 1st or 2nd party.

The fact we know they have a huge amount of money unspent. Makes it clear they plan to launch something nearer the end of the election. And the only advantage of leaving it so late. Is it will limit the ability of the party to effectively react. Or fact checkers to be able to prove and distribute evidence of lies.

Please be prepared for this.


I cannot really see any other way to interpret this interview.

Remember this when looking at their attitude to protest etc.


TLDR at the end I just post how I propose to convince the new parliament.

If polling is anything near to close. Starmer will enter parlimemt on the 5th with a landslide majority.

Time for us to remember the court case PM Johnson won for the 350m lie on a bus. The high Court simply stated.

Parliment has made no law banning lies during a campaign.

Well we really do have an opportunity to convince Starmer to change that. With Sunak and Co clearly following the last elections lead. Lieing about the civil service backing up their cost estimates.

It is time parliment tried to build confidence in election claims. This would only be practical when it comes to provable falsehoods of fact. Such as the claims made about Starmers campaign. After they have been informed the civil service did not analyse the data they used.

Unfortunately forcing a party to follow its manifesto is not really doable. And if parliment made the law. The next parliment would cancel it.

How to convince Starmer et al

OK so most will remember back in the coalition. The new government claimed to want to be responsive. So they set up an official, way for the public to request parliment do things. Resulting in parliment responding with crappy excuses every single time 10k signatures. Or a dumb argument in committee at 100k.

Now consider a new majority land slide parliment. Walking into government on July the 5th. With a social media publicised request to make it illegal for election campaigns, to continue to publish claims known to be false.

Its a simple law. If your party has received evidence that your clai is false. You must stop using it or face legal punishment.

So assuming 10k votes. The new government would need to write a response claiming they think lieing is OK.

Pretty sure the electorate can eviserate them on social media after that. Changing their mind. The new tory opposition leader. (Or Lib Dem maybe?). Would sure as he'll leap on the new government for such a claim.

But honestly to get the response needed. 100k signatures and the parliment required to have a public committee debate on their right to lie in campaigns.

No new government with a huge majority is going to be willing to face that.


If you have read this far. You will recognise, I am not great at grammar and my wording is not consise. So when it comes to writing the partition on the parliment website. Someone more skilled would be best. Or a discussion here as to the best wording etc.

Do please if this idea seem worth while. (Let's face it what have we to lose. A few mins a day signing a partition and posting to social media over the election. )

Then please join a discussion here. To try to push this idea forward over the next month.


Seriosly. When you lie in a way that make the civil service look biased. You have losf all respect for the position you are trying to win.

Can any history geeks think of a time when a UK pilitician has been publically accused of falsely represeting the civil service.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Yesterday I was pointing out how little effort this would take based on polling. And today a new poll puts electoral calculuses tory seat prediction from 66 to 27.

While it is an early poll.

Honestly if we saw a higher young voter turn out all votiing tactically. A complete distruction of the Tories party is possible.

Imagin an opposition party challenging labours view on FPTP. This would be a real once in a life time change to the old aristocratic power structure.


I am posting this here because it is the closest to a UK specific disability community.

If this is invalid please let me know. While I am not comfortable setting up a UK disability and benefits community alone. I am happy to help run one. It will just need a good few members willing to take an active role.

This post really is to discuse ( and rant) about the proposed changes to PIP the gov is proposing.

What really annoys me. Is the government seems to be getting away with pushing false data.

They keep using the differences in acceptance from 2010 to now.

With 0 recognition that the 2010 rejection rates were seriously flawed. With many winning appeals after being forced to take the gov to court. Where well over 60% were seen as false rejections.

Plus multiple reports of suicide due directly to DWP actions. It really bothers me that no media is pointing out this clearly false data.

While plenty are pointing out the culture war that the tories are clearly trying to start. Some of the charities challenging these distorted claims seems to be needed.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is independent of other projects I have asked for help on. I'm just looking for anything done similar to my plan.

I am visually impaired. So tend to find most laptop pi projects way to small for common use. But also want an experimental bed for pie projects and experiments in genral.

So my idea is. I'll get a aluminium briefcase like case. Mount a 18 plus inch portable USB c powered display into the lid. It would also be nice if I could have my 15inch display fold out on a vesa mount. As an extra.

Inside the case id like to mount a large 18650 or similar lifepo4 batt. I'm thinking 4s 4p with a BMS so I can power usb 100w output with a 12v hub. This should allow out put to multiple monitors and a pie or 2.

I have a great small wireless keyboard and mouse. That could be popped in and out.

For the main board currently I'll use my waveshare CM4 poe board b with my 32/8 gb cm4.

But long term the itx cluster board looks good. When I have a bit more cash.

The main idea is it will allow me to connect multiple pcie riser cables to the boards via a 4 way wave share pcie switch to start with. Providing space to mount different boards and options as I change projects.

As folks may have seen from other projects. I move between home and my tiny narrowboat I share with my brother. So this will be more about being able to port multiple pie projects as much as being a usable PC type thing.

So if anyone has seen or worked on a project that may point to cool ways to mount this. I'd love to see them.

As I do not have a 3d printer. And cannot really argue the value for as rare as id use it. I am thinking alliminium plate cut and riveted to mount boards etc to the inside. But would love other ideas folks have seen or can come up with.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sorry I am expecting no here. But cannot help but hope someone knows a way around the limitation.

I have a project where I plan to use an nvme on a waveshare mini b io board.

I am just now learning my way around CM4 pies. So purchased a few parts to experiment before fitting to manage stuff on my boat.

Unfortunately I did not know enough whan I got the dev cm4. Seeing as the cost difference between Emmc and lite was tiny. I decided there was little to lose with getting a Emmc one. Not knowing the EMMC uses the same pin address as the SD slot on io boards.

I now know this will mean the SD card port is not available. As I plan to use that to move software updates.

I was wondering if anyone knows a software way of enabling the internal sd port. IE basically disabling the EMMC.

If not ill just set up with a USB SD reader so all my cm4 can run identical. But if I can use the one on the board. It will be simpler. Maybe have some option to reboot the boat cm4 in either option with an emergency os on the emmc in the event of a fault.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi again folks.

I am looking at a small project. Once again for my boat.

As this one really has very little need to write. Just regular temperature logging with time from multiple sources.

I am considering setting the pie to store all temporary files in memory. Running the main os from the SD card. And just using an extra USB storage for logging temps etc.

This should hopefully leave the system needing very little maintainance. With just the USB flash drive prown to wearing out every couple of years.

I'd be greatfull for any links to folks who have set up similar systems.

Or other ideas on safe low maintainance ways of running a pi zero os.


Hi. I am looking at using a cm4 and Waveshare mini io board. For a project I am setting up on my small narrowboat.

As the tiny antique single cylinder diesel engine. Means the boat suffers from a fair bit of vibration. And this will be the first time I have used a CM4.

I was hoping some folks could share there experiance/advice on using CM4 boards in similar rough environments.

I am planning to build a system mounted to din rails with rubber pads to absorb some of the vibration. But any other experience other have can only help.


Hi I am looking for a little connection advice.

I use a radio on my narrowboat. As such I am in the process of building a simple random wire antenna. Idea being I have a 5m mast I can raise on the boat while moored. Then run a wire to a local tree or another portable mast.

The issue I am looking for some help with. Is finding connectors so I can set up different length antenna depending on available space.

I have a large kite winding wheel to store the wire with a 9:1 unun on the end. But need to be able to set up 3 different lengths. 143-84-(36 i think) feet. To do this I need some form of connector a lot stronger the your typical bullet crimp. The wind on the towpath and movement of the boat will separate such connectos easy. As the boat rocks. But anything much larger the a bullet will not roll around the kite reel well.

I am looking for some kind on single wire electrical connector. That screws together. So I can select the best length for the enviroment I am in. Unscrew the wire at that length. Commect it to an elastic rope attached to the tree or land based mast.

If the worst comes. I'll make something myself using m2 bolts and inset standoffs. But would love to know if anyone has seen something ready made that will do this.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is for new boaters on the UK waterways. As experienced boaters have worked this out for themselves.

Of course the most usefull tool is your windlass. Without it you really cannot travel far on our canals.

But the application of a rear ended lock level detection device. Can seriously ease your time amd stress when passing through a lock. Of course not any device will be usable. There is a disturbing fasion for people to own hand held sized portable devices. Such RELLDD are unsuitable for most UK canal lock gates. Industrial sized devices are very much required. Fortunately you will find many stores along the canal. That specialise in providing enhancement solutions to your RELLDD. At very little expense. You may be able to enhance your device over just a few years.

If this is an unsuitable solution for you. Then please considers the option of other crew members with a more suitable RELLDD. Or you will often find other boaters very willing to help out. By adding their own RELLDD to the lock gate.

Now if you are single handing. And lacking a suitable device. Then over the last 30 years or so. Many Internet sites have started to help link the owners of such devices together.

Now I need to urge extream care with this approach. It is first important to remember many owners of such devices are unwilling to allow them to be used on the UK canal system. But more complex. Many with a suitable device whom may be very happy to travel the network with you. Tend to be uncomfortable with the suitability of their device. Due to this they will often also photograph the device using methods that limit its perceived suitability.

I strongly advice. That if the device seems desirable in other ways. Do not reject the owner purely based on photos indication of its UK lock gate suitability. Ensure you meet the owner and inspect the device. This in genral seems like good advice for any boating related acquisitions.

Here I feel I should remind members of our community. If you feel the urge to share pictures of your device. In the hope of finding other boaters willing to join you on you travels. Please ensure you check the rules of this community.

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