"No." is a complete sentence.
A place to express your frustration
Venting is a place where Lemmy users can rant/vent about anything that is on their mind. If you are annoyed or very pissed off about something, you can talk about it here and our community will listen.
Take it up to management, not your circus not your monkeys.
If you are management, talk to your fellow managers and ask them to remind their staff to stop sending requests, it is not a service you provided.
We did. Management agreed. Management told the others. Little to no change, unfortunately. Some of our users are just too stubborn and/or lazy.
"This is not a service we provide." Simple as that.
Get it in writing and copy paste to everyone asking
Don't know your situation, but sometimes when you demonstrate you're able to do something, people keep on wanting you to do that thing. If it was me I would stop helping or even pointing to resources. For me it's hard to do because I naturally want to help, but at a certain point you're just enabling other people's poor processes.
If OP just can't say no for some reason, they may become an unreliable supplier with shifting deadlines, because, like, they put lower priority on tasks that aren't their primary work. This goes up to the point most people would consider to reprint and edit that stuff themselves.
Your department doesn't probably even cross paths with such tasks. If they got pdfs from elsewhere, why would they ask you?