Thanks Merrick
New York Times
The newspaper of record.
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Hey look I know it’s fun to shit on Garland about some of this stuff but…. Actually I just want to point out that he doesn’t get nearly enough hate. If they had brought charges years ago we might have an election that Trump would be watching from a prison cell.
I was screaming about the feet dragging 2 years ago and would get downvoted and commenters would assure me that “the wheels of justice move slowly, but ground finely…”
Maury Povich: “It turns out that was a lie”
For some reason I read the headline as "How Americans Feel About the Electron: Anxious and Scared"
I was like, yeah, there's a fair chance there's only one electron in the universe, and it's basically everywhere, all at once, at the same time, and moves forward and backward in time.
That thought is pretty freaky, but who is feeling anxious or afraid about it?
I'm dumb.