They heal themselves all the time. It's normal. Like the bats, but not as strong of a heal, in my experience. It was just extra worse because of blessed making them not miss while you do.
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Huh, I had never noticed! I hope I never find another one of those :-)
They charm you, and once you're charmed they can heal when they hit you next.
Yeah some combos are a real pain in the ass. The succubus get healed if she charms you and lasts 5 or 6 turns, if you have cleared some map already and you are alone w in th her you can run for a few turns. Sometimes doesn't work right but you can run in circles too if you have the space. Remember that they cannot dodge magic or some ability attacks. Luckly they don't have that much tankiness besides their dodge.
Thanks for the advice, will keep it in mind! I've been playing with the hostile champions challenge (among others) for a while now, so I'm sure I'll have to face this combo again.
yeah, during ascension, blessed mobs are practically unkillable with weapons unless you maybe run ring of accuracy