You have $875k worth of stuff in your cart? Imagine accidentally clicking 1 click checkout or something.
Today I learned
I have to imagine that my credit card would flag it as fraudulent, since it is approximately $845,000 above my credit limit.
Still, I bet you'd immediately have to get back on and next day yourself some new underwear.
After clicking on a $43k chandelier, now my "recommended products" for underwear is just a bunch of diamond-encrusted things...
Edit: thongs, damn autocorrect. But it still works
Which is even more awesome given your username.
$870k and no prime shipping? That's a deal breaker!
Next year they'll have 24 light chandeliers and you'll have a tough time sellin this thing for anywhere close to what you paid.
"Invest"? This use of the word appears to be inappropriate.
I was looking for a winter jacket a few years ago and tried Amazon. I was scrolling through, and I wasn’t finding anything. So I sorted by price, high to low, thinking, I’m not poor I can splurge on a nice jacket.
Top of the list was a jacket for $20K. I decided to stop saying shit like “I’m not poor”.
Curious why a woman's long sleeve shirt shows up when searching for "Chandelier". Algorithms never cease to amaze.
Looks like this is not the search but their shoppingcart list.
Amazon search is becoming largely unusable now that they show you what they want to sell you, instead of what you want to buy. I was trying to buy a phone case the other day, which requires that I get one made for my phone, as everyone knows, and it kept showing me cases for other phones that I don't own.