
joined 2 years ago
[–] hank_the_tank66 4 points 2 days ago

Water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink.

[–] hank_the_tank66 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

My kiddo gifted me the opportunity to see my watch change from 1:59 to 3:00am this morning!

[–] hank_the_tank66 18 points 2 weeks ago

A cfucknsored version

[–] hank_the_tank66 2 points 3 weeks ago

Their highlights come and go, I find some weeks they have them uploaded by Monday whereas other races don't get highlights at all. Wasn't sure if it was related to what network is hosting the race or not. It annoys me compared to F1, NASCAR and IndyCar who usually have their highlights uploaded a few hours after the race.

[–] hank_the_tank66 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Gosh that sounds lovely, especially the Linux part. Actually, mostly the Linux part.

[–] hank_the_tank66 4 points 1 month ago

Someone should plot the price of things (eggs, gas, the Big Mac) against the (date-referenced) count of times he played golf.

[–] hank_the_tank66 20 points 1 month ago (7 children)

Why would I spend a ton of money to go out in public and play golf, when I can stay at home keeping that Teams icon green while playing videogames and watching mid-week Europa League fixtures?

Source: currently home sick, but feeling good enough to clock a few hours of required training and data backups.

[–] hank_the_tank66 2 points 1 month ago

You would have known from my username haha. Definitely give tea a try, and pick up some interesting varieties, a nice mug, and a fun electronic kettle to simplify / fancify it into a fun part of your morning!

[–] hank_the_tank66 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

From personal experience, a fresh cup of coffee is what gets me out of bed when I don't have other obligations. I use a percolator, and grind fresh coffee each use (i.e. not prepping it the night before). This helps me keep a routine between the weekdays and weekends.

I switched to tea for a bit after a rough bout of heartburn, worked about the same for me keeping a routine. I much prefer my doom scrolling when I can mimic the Kermit the frog meme with a piping hot morning beverage.

Also, you may be my friend based on the bathroom necessity. If not, you two should form a morning intestinal distress support group.

[–] hank_the_tank66 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

While there may not be a "Team wins Superbowl LIX by this many points", I'm guessing that you would be able to infer the victor based on the articles that are posted. Probably better to wait a week and catch your replays before subscribing.

[–] hank_the_tank66 18 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

"...the funeral was an excellent networking opportunity, and I was able to share my amazing experience working for [ChatGPT rebadge "AI" company] with all of my friends and family. I spent extra time showing Grandma how she can chat with our product NeedAFriendAI since Grandpa isn't around anymore."


Edit: switching to https://sky.rethinkdns.com worked, thanks for all the suggestions!

Hope this is the correct forum to ask this question.

I've recently switched to RethinkDNS and quite like it. I've run a PiHole on my home network for a while, and Rethink finally gives me the same functionality and customizability while away from my house.

When I'm at work at [REDACTED BIG CORPORATION] my Internet won't connect at all while on company wifi with Rethink active ("No Answer" response to all queries). I just turn DuckDuckGo app tracking protection on instead (also technically a VPN according to my phone), and the Internet works. CyberGhost VPN behaves the same as Rethink, so I'm unsure why DDG doesn't run into issues.

Does anyone know of a way to automatically swap between VPNs while on certain networks? I'm sure it is possible to do so with a GPS fence and SmartThings, but I don't want to give that app (or any for that matter) location permissions.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to do this (I'm fine using apps outside of Google Play, as you can infer from my use of RethinkDNS and DDG in the first place), I'd love to hear them!

Cheers, Hank


Hi everyone! I was diagnosed a few years ago in my early 30s, and started taking Adderall along with some different drugs for anxiety as well.

With Adderall and then Wellbutrin, even in small dosages, I notice that my HRV Stress (recorded on a Garmin 945 Forerunner) is significantly elevated for the entire day. When I used to take a midday and evening dose of (instant release) Adderall, it severely impacted my sleep. I also tried extended release taken in the morning, and that caused sleeping issues as well. So did an extended release of Wellbutrin.

Basically, any benefits those medications provide (and it didn't really feel like it was helping) were offset by the bodily impact.

Has anyone had a similar experience with either of these medications? Any notable co-morbidities or changed metabolism or something that you identified as causing these symptoms? Did Ritalin or Strattera work for you when Adderall did not? I've been cycling through other non-stim medications with my provider, but haven't found anything that provides benefits for ADHD (I'm currently on guanfacine and zoloft, which mitigates my anxiety at least).

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