Fuck the Russians, but I can’t imagine how terrifying that must be. I’m sure they make some sort of identifying sound when they’re flying around and that must be the most terrifying sound you ever hear, not a plane or a bomb blowing up, but the whirr of a small drone flying around.
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Let’s face it: this kind of resembles deliberate torture.
The vietnam war might have been the first to show us war in our living rooms, but this war may be the first to really capture the absolute ugliest part of war: the sadistic torture of victims, done by soldiers who have their enemies captured or cornered.
(Unless there is a tactical reason to maneuver the target away from the vehicle— which there could be that I just haven’t thought of)
This war could bring that to the home consciousness for the first time.
It is definitely seems a bit sadistic, but I’m thinking they wanted to get him away from the vehicle, as it is a cover. If the drone explodes on one side, and the enemy just manages to duck around the corner half seconds before, the truck catches most of the shrapnel, and they have wasted a drone
I have a DJI drone, and it is a whisper/buzz that would totally freak me the fuck out if I knew that whisper/buzz had a RPG or similar explosive strapped to it.
I'm scared of drones even without bombs strapped to them, when I'm the one driving. Can't imagine how terrifying this would be
It’s an angry buzzing sound that is very distinct, you can usually hear them from dozens of meters away.
Dude you're done just surrender 🤦♂️
I know this is a stupid question but I am a stupid person and so it falls to me to ask. What happened at the end? It looks like the drone slams into the guy. Does the drone have remotely detonated explosives or does the impact itself kill him?
See the metal wires that frame the shot?
Those touch together and whatever is around it goes boom.
Okay, got it. Thanks so much for enlightening me.
There are contact trigger wires that protrude from the front of the drone.
Ahh okay, that image helps. Thank you for educating me!
You aren't stupid for asking a question. Asking questions is why smart people know things.
Thank you 🙏
Impact would not have killed, but whatever small amount of explosive it was carrying would.
Relevant funny video from today
Did that guy have a heart attack?? XD
It doesn't look like that done is large enough to have a chamber to fire something... And if it did why would they crash it XD
Maybe it didn’t explode (hence the smoke), and the guy just plays dead?
You can't call your instrument of war a "shrike" if you're not impaling the corpes on spikes around your contry.
What sort of munition does it hold? It's so small... But it doesn't need to hold much. Get fucked Russian invaders.
Something like half a hand grenade is more than enough. The dude should have dropped the gun and surrendered.
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