But, you have 1 key? You can go around the room and lure the crab in, walk around it out. You'll loose a lot of health though.
Pixel Dungeon
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I'm gonna hope you didn't walk in while followed by the crab and was instead exploring when it came it.
Also, what items did you have? Apart from the already mentioned use-the-key there may have been other options. The blue crab moves slower than the player which allows some room to play with.
I was being followed and ran into the room hoping to attack and flee.
Now I know how the thief feels when trapped in a room with no exits.
My inventory was very limited. I threw all my unknown potions and ended up paralyzed in a cloud of toxic gas and fire.
I don't think it qualified as going out in a blaze of glory so much as desperation.
Respect the Crab ๐ฆ
Wait, how exactly do you have 320 health?
Testing out a mod for someone. It's an easier version for their son.
The son is 8 and wants to play the game daddy plays but gets frustrated.
So, some extra health and gold makes easier.
For me, a 6 challenge is just enough to be fun.
6 challenge is "just enough" to be fun, but you don't know that blue crab moves slower than you? Sounds legit...