If modern cars weren't all full of spyware, then I might consider upgrading to something newer. But I neither want nor need a car that has interior cameras, microphones, location tracking, remote shutdown and telemetry from a manufacturer that sells behavioral data to insurance companies and advertisers. Like TVs, cars are at their best when they're dumb. So give me a dumb BEV and maybe I'll switch.
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Love the guy, think he is hilarious. But he's a dinosaur & it's time to bury him for the petrol he wants.
He's a racist, abusive piece of shit, and it bothers me how much people excuse his blatant bigotry cause he's "funny".
Racist is new to me, so I'm going to need a source on that one.
Other than his well know "hangry" issues though, he a known climate change denier until it effected him personally, so don't take my skepticism as a defense for him.
I mean jeez, all you have to do is look up "Jeremy Clarkson racist" and you're gonna see a bunch of stuff about super inappropriate "jokes" about African people, Asian people, he's been sued by past staff for his hostile and casual racism behind the scenesz with crew members of color about. not to mention the vile things he has said about Meghan Markell, since he's one of those guys who thinks she's not pure=white enough to be a Royal.
If you are one of his fans who can look up all the awful racial shit he has said and make an excuse or justification for it, or brush it away. that's another matter.
I hate the guy. He's always come across as a sharmy asshole to me, so I disconnected from him very quickly. I just didn't know if there were recordings of this. His environmental history was enough for me.
well he's not wrong. Not going quite far enough though.
He’s right. If you enjoy the act of driving, most modern cars are terrible. They are just way better in many other respects, most notably (in the best case) not burning gas. I love driving and don’t want to get rid of my Miata, but I am in the process of getting my motorcycle license and an electric motorcycle for most of my travel because I can’t justify burning gas regularly. It makes me sad, but the Miata will become a very occasional pleasure vehicle.
Edit: curious about the downvotes, do people think new cars drive well? There are a few examples (86/brz comes to mind), but most are big and heavy, and with electronic steering, little connection to the road.
Racist old fuck