Wow. What cynic downvotes that reference? Duke?
Wow. Didn't know that. You've hit the nail on the head. I just couldn't figure out what it was that just made it stand out. Thank you for taking the time.
Shift and Shift 2.
Sounds like you're doing God's work. Those games always felt a bit short of being great.
What does your mod do? I'm a big fan of the Shift titles. Not familiar with Black Box.
Look at me. I am the home owner now.
I'd say average.
In every project and in every team, I end up being strong because I fix the hard stuff. I debug better and I deliver mostly bug free code. My code is more efficient and performant than my coworkers most of the time.
That's gotta count for something.
Imposter syndrome is good for me. Keeps me learning.
Odds are the worst one is still using Twitter.
Derek de Grasse Gordon
I bought a horse...
Singing. I don't care if Monday's blue...
Wait till he finds out that stents were developed using soil from Easter Island. #radiolab