Lemmy.world Support
Lemmy.world Support
Welcome to the official Lemmy.world Support community! Post your issues or questions about Lemmy.world here.
This community is for issues related to the Lemmy World instance only. For Lemmy software requests or bug reports, please go to the Lemmy github page.
This community is subject to the rules defined here for lemmy.world.
You can also DM https://lemmy.world/u/lwreport or email report@lemmy.world (PGP Supported) if you need to reach our directly to the admin team.
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I have the button on my side
Have you tried clearing your browser cache? And have you selected the right supported language for the community?
just tried. Doesn't let me create a post from a new broswer, with a cleared broswer cache, or eve on a new computer. Next test is VPN... maybe my IP is somehow banned? How can I see a /c's preferred language? I assume it's English.
For what it's worth, the newest post I can see there was posted 12 days ago.
yeah I get that, I'm trying to get some content in there but I've been having technical issues with only that /c. Is it possible the community creater/mod clicked a setting to not allow others to post?
That could definitely be it