this post was submitted on 04 Jun 2024
29 points (91.4% liked)

Pixel Dungeon

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The scale armor was augmented for evasion; not even the scorpions could hit me. I waltzed through the demon halls without worries.

I also had a RoW +1 and a robber's armband, and at some point had more than 10,000 gold. I had never had more than 3,000 before. Overall, I collected almost 21,000 gold; all my previous wins hovered around 14,000.

There are three (!) stones of enchantment, not even in hidden rooms. And five experience potions!

Ascended with a score of 242,000, my best yet.


top 11 comments
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[–] fishbone 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I realize this comment is out of place, but I was mindlessly scrolling and saw this post with no idea what this game is (this is partly an open reminder to myself to check this game out more). Here's the Wikipedia article for it for anyone else who stumbles here like I did, but I'd love if people who play it could tell me about it. Looks like a neat game.

[–] CharlesMangione 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

It is a true Roguelike game. Turnbased, tactical combat with exploration elements limited by hunger necessitating careful resource management in the form of food, and later torches to manage an increasingly limited range of vision. Consumable items, mostly potions and scrolls, serve as powerful and potentially dangerous utility items quite capable of making or breaking an entire run in a single turn. Runs may last anywhere from a few hours to several days depending not just on how careful you are, but also since it is turn based you can pick it up and put it down at a whim- but be warned! There is no save scumming. If you die, you die.

There are paid versions on steam and the app stores, but also the author of the "Shattered Pixel Dungeon" fork (my personal recommendation) maintains a repository of free and up-to-date versions, though there is some inconvenience messing with the compilations. Regularly updated with balance patches and new content. He's even a member of this community, and one of the mods: 00-Evan. Well worth the small price of admission.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Did you enchant your bow? Cannot see from the image. It can help tremendously with success.

[–] buo 1 points 2 weeks ago

Yes -- it had a shocking enchantment. Super useful!

[–] ganksy 2 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I have yet to ascend without the HoP, upgraded WoR, or the chalice. Before augmenting your scale, did you just survive on food drops and huntress dew?

[–] buo 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Yes, just food drops, potions of healing and dew. This particular seed has an ample supply of food as well. In general, I used to struggle with food management, but lately I've improved this aspect of the game and seldom run out of food. Some ideas:

  • Make sure to move diagonally when possible to save one turn.
  • Convert all mistery meats to edible meat.
  • Get the small rations from the shops.
  • Imbue the blandfruit with a seed of icecap or firebloom. Besides serving as a thrown weapon, they leave some food behind. It lasts for a long time!
  • Try not to go back and forth through a level -- minimize the amount of turns you spend moving.
  • The potions of honeyed healing (healing potion + shattered honeypot) also provide a bit of satiety.
[–] ganksy 2 points 2 weeks ago

Great tips, thanks! I almost always toss the bland fruit for space.

[–] CharlesMangione 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

If you're struggling with food without Horn of Plenty, have you tried consistently letting yourself starve to somewhere between 50-80% of your max health before eating?

[–] ganksy 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I have but on those runs my death rate jumps through the roof. My health, at least until I get chainmail or get lucky with +2 weapon, is always somewhere between 50-80%. Maybe I play too haphazardly.

[–] CharlesMangione 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

It might just be a matter of being more efficient with your route, or occasionally letting go of rooms if you're already hungry to move on a little quicker.

[–] ganksy 2 points 2 weeks ago

You're definitely right I need to plan routes better. Maybe just playing slower and more methodically. Thanks!