You can probably guess which one I play the most, hehe. Shattered has been the most popular version on the subreddit for quite a while, so I imagine that'll be the case here too. Still, there are lots of other versions, and even if they don't have as much dev time behind them they're still worth checking out.
Pixel Dungeon
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How much time do you spend playing any of the other clones for ideas? Or is it all just vanilla + your own creativity?
I try to actively avoid playing other PD versions, specifically because I don't want to end up copying them.
Yes, I found that version to be a very nice little time waster in the best possible way
I call it time travel. You launch it for a quick 5 minutes while you have some time and suddenly it's half an hour later
Soft Pixel Dungeon from 2015. The newer versions of Shattered Pixel Dungeon are too complex for the mindless play, I enjoy.
Ha yeah, sometimes I get overwhelmed with choice on later levels in Shattered and start a new run. I'll always come back to the old one at some point though.
My favorite PDs are Shattered and Yet Another!,, full of new content and many overhauls on existing mechanics.. the devs are also cool
I like Shattered better than vanilla. I haven't tried any others because they aren't on F-Droid.
I never got along with Pixel Dungeon, then I found Shattered and play it since then. Those are the only two on F-Droid.
I play Shattered only because other versions seem and feel overloaded with forced content that wasnt always planned properly. The only exception was Experienced because i wanted to try limitless leveling up and upgrades
Shattered Pixel Dungeon. I've played the OG PD, Sprouted, Rat King, and one other that I forget the name of (it has dragons, among other monsters).
I tried some during the years but I'm sticking with shattered