12 parsecs is about 40 light years.
The nearest star (Proxima Centauri) is 1.3 parsecs away.
The nearest galaxy (Andromeda) is over 700,000 parsecs away.
The scale of the universe is incomprehensible.
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12 parsecs is about 40 light years.
The nearest star (Proxima Centauri) is 1.3 parsecs away.
The nearest galaxy (Andromeda) is over 700,000 parsecs away.
The scale of the universe is incomprehensible.
So, aliens, right?
Not horribly far away, I guess.
Just far enough to be effectively unreachable, lol :(
With current tech we could easily get there in under 200000 years!
Hmm I like your can-do attitude, but does the current tech include food and energy to actually have someone alive on the ship when it reaches destination? I doubt it, unfortunately.
toss some tardigrades over there
I’ve been listening to a lot of Terrence Howard, and now believe we’re within a few years of FTL travel. Just need to get some NASA scientists to start listening to a B list actor.