We're definitely due for a new DOOM. But it's gotta have deathmatch. Whoever made the call to ship DOOM without DM needed to be shot.
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The last two games were amazing but personally I'm not looking forward to one without Mick Gordon in it.
Still REALLY curious what Year Zero would even be
Shooting my shot: A direct sequel to DOOM 2 (well, 64 I guess?) where The Doom Guy becomes The Doom Slayer and begins the weird hell timeline warping.
Better bring back online death match. I'm still salty about then taking that away in doom eternal
The author of this article is bad at his job. I don’t know where he pulled that backronym for IDKFA from but it stands for id (as in software) Keys, Full ammo, Armor.
Not "Keys, Firearms, Ammo?"
How about "Kick Fucking Ass?"
Or maybe we should take John Romero at his word that it's "Killer Fucking Arsenal:" https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doom_cheat_codes
No matter which it is, we can rest assured that all of us don't know fuck-all.
I would then ask, why is idfa the exact same as idkfa except you don't get Keys.
No matter what the answer, it never stood for what this article's author just fucking made up out of thin air so that he could rant about Google SEO or whatever the fuck.
Sort of like how you made some bullshit up so you could complain about someone you clearly have a personal vendetta against?
Never heard of this guy in my life. You seem to be keen to white knight for a bad tech journalist though.
Or just ask John Romero, IDFK.