You try a different cable? What interface are you using?
Also have you tried a different computer on it to make sure it's not the monitor at fault?
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You try a different cable? What interface are you using?
Also have you tried a different computer on it to make sure it's not the monitor at fault?
Also did try another cable already
Disabling the monitor in device manager fixes the issue and the monitor works fine when disabled
I don't understand this phrase and I'm not sure why no one else has asked about it. What does this mean?
When you open the device manger it gives you an option to disable devices
I do this with the display to get it in a working state that stops the issue but its not a proper fix
Yes, what doesn't make sense to me is what does "working" mean? Does disabling it not disable it, but instead fixes the issue?
i didn't know any way to better clarify it
but i want to find a proper fix instead of disabling it in device manager
Commenting on my new main account as this was posted on my account before I switched to
The issue was likely DDC/CI but I can't say for certain, I'm 90% sure that's what was causing it but the 10% is the chance an update somewhere fixed it
The display works fine with DDC/CI off but I'm too scared to test it again to confirm it was DDC/CI that was causing the issue
I'm just sharing this for future reference for anyone that comes across my post in the future with a similar issue