This guy not only passed the 3 day no poop task but expanded it
> Greentext
Is it possible to learn this power?
Yes, just change your diet from junk food with 0 % fiber to food with 100 % fiber over night!
Literally eating my shirts (100% cotton fiber) rn
The ISP is going to be livid when they find out what I did to their exchange infrastructure.
Dunno how to link users yet, but mizu6079 needs to up their game next time
"my guts are yelling in German" "gondorcallsforaid"
This is hilarious, I need more
Thought I was going to die reading this while trying to hold in my laughter to not wake my wife up. Good god.
I couldn’t contain my laughter and got slapped. That was too hilarious.
Dude I read this in church and started dying the woman next to me is now praying for me
No way, I also read this while trying to hold in laughter to not wake my wife up. Good god.
he forgor that you need to drink more water when eating fiber
Yeah, if you don’t hydrate it you’re just building drywall in your intestines.
Winds up being counterproductive for weight loss since everything gets trapped in there longer and more nutrients are absorbed.
There's something simple yet effective about toilet humor, never fails to get a laugh out of me.
"Giving anal birth to Dwayne The Rock Johnson"
Man, that must've been painful as fuck.
"A fart that could do more damage to the ozone layer than aerosol ever did is shooting shit bullets out of me"
Good lord 😆 😆 😆 😆
Hahaha oh wow, this was so funny, I went into this thinking this is going to be so dumb, ugh.
Holy shit that was fucking hillarious ^^ its also my fav. greentext from now on
Bravo! Bravo! standing ovation