
joined 1 year ago
[–] thegreatgarbo 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)


[–] thegreatgarbo 1 points 1 week ago

The platen glass is a lot thinner than it looks!

You got a literal open mouth "O" and hand over mouth Oh NO from me. Their poor scrotum!

[–] thegreatgarbo 6 points 1 week ago

If you could speed the conveyor belt up, that would be greeeeat.

[–] thegreatgarbo 2 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah, we're the opposite, we have a chest freezer in the garage on top of our kitchen freezer, so basically unlimited.

[–] thegreatgarbo 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Same hunk of brown sugar for 10 years. Is there a shelf life? We don't eat that much sugar...

[–] thegreatgarbo 9 points 3 weeks ago (10 children)

Not my parents, me. Brown sugar goes in the freezer so it doesn't dry out and become a piece of granite.

[–] thegreatgarbo 1 points 3 weeks ago

Every American has to try that at least once. Minus the orange subtance, but that one is my personal preference.

[–] thegreatgarbo 2 points 3 weeks ago

I've found both CBT and DBT helpful.

[–] thegreatgarbo 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Benign fasciculation. It only used to happen after walking, and in my quads and calves. I swam competitively in division III and never happened in my upper body. I never worried about it. For folks that don't understand the minimal and random nature of the ticks, here's a good video.

[–] thegreatgarbo 2 points 1 month ago

Driving to work 110 miles a day meant I had to get gas once per week, driving out of my way, stopping to get gas cost me 500 minutes per year as opposed to the two seconds to plug in at home. Totally a no brainer. I HATED stopping for gas on the way home from work at 11 in the evening, or whatever hour really. I think of people tied to ICE engines the way people were tied to outhouses a hundred years ago.

[–] thegreatgarbo 6 points 1 month ago

Meat: get a ThermaPen instant read thermometer and cook meats to 120 for rare, 125 for med rare and 135 for medium. Pull the meat off heat 5 d before it hits you desired temp.

[–] thegreatgarbo 5 points 1 month ago

I'm 59 and I went gradually in the last 15 years from barely being able to sit cross legged to now I can't even touch my right toe (chronic groin problem) let alone sit cross legged.


One of mine is when I finish wrapping my hair up tightly in the towel to dry after washing, I whack the towel where it's tucked in, kind of like encouragement to stay tucked for the duration, kinda like a coach does when sending the kids onto the playing field.


Hi folks, I thought I'd create some content and share some experience and learning around any concerns I had about being childfree in my first 10 years after my tubal. I hope this can help those that are at this stage now.

I will say that 35 years after my tubal, I realized in retrospect, somewhere during that time, that I knew in my teens I didn't want kids. I did go through a period, soon after my tubal at 24, of about 10 years where a lot of my friends tried to pressure me into either spending a ton of time with their kids or even adopt, where I wondered if I really wanted kids cuz I liked babies under 6 months of age. It wasn't until I got close to someone and her newborn, where I spent plenty of time with her kid over the next 3 years and she was TOTALLY accepting of my decision and NEVER pushed an agenda. I finally realized I truly lost interest in the kid after about 6 months of age and knew I wasn't interested, not because I was pushing back against acquaintances who were pushing their own agenda in opposition to mine, but because I JUST LOST INTEREST. It took a good, secure in their parenthood, friend to let me understand there was zero interest on my part.

As it turns out what I like about babies was the oxytocin hit from carrying them around, which I learned I could get from cats and small dogs, of which I have 2 now, and they stay small forever instead of just 6 months!

Hello my peeps (self.childfree)
submitted 1 year ago by thegreatgarbo to c/childfree

Been on Lemmy for a month or so and just found you guys. SO happy we have a Lemmy instance!!


And two dogs on the couch totally oblivious to their sworn Mortal Enemies not 20 feet away...

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