Yes, but that is not GOG supporting Linux. Steam on the other hand goes out of their way to support Linux. And the solution you mentioned wouldn't even be working all that well if steam hadn't brought proton to the scene. I know wine has been there forever, but only since proton the game compatibility shot through the roof.
I recently needed to implement some batch processing logic in our code to account for some api level restrictions (the code already pulls from the api in pages and date ranges, but if I specify a date range too wide or a batch that would get too many records back, it gets rejected, so we need to break it down and run the date range in batches). I tell this junior developer what the issue is, and what we need to add to the existing class in our codebase. I follow up with him after a week, and this is what he sends me.
Boilerplate code from chatgpt that has almost nothing to do with what we discussed. And how can you even give me a whole 'working' code without even testing it? He didn't even clone our original repo and test it as is to understand why we need what we need. AI sure is making programmers dumb.
I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you find your motivation again. I grew up in a culture where no matter how many artistic talents you had, you grew up with an understanding that you were not to pursue that as a career. That was probably more our financial status that dictated that, but I used to be good at art and music in school, but now I'm a computer programming drone. At least I like programming, so that's alright I guess. She's still at a stage where she has a dozen 'when I grow up' careers, and she just today told me she realized she wants to be so many things, but she can only have one career. I told her she can have one career, but can have many hobbies, and she replied, 'well, I can't be a surgeon for a hobby though, can I'. There's still a ways for her to go.
Yeah this portrait blindsided me. I think posting her stuff on lemmy and seeing people appreciate her art makes her want to get better. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Yeah I hope so too, thank you
Thank you, that's nice of you to say
Mipha actually looks quite similar to Sidon. They probably made them similar because they're siblings
Yeah she eventually fessed up that it was supposed to be a zora. Knowing her, it would be more probably a girl zora like Mipha, but she liked Sidon a lot too
That's her favorite movie.
lol I'm gonna introduce her to SCP
Hi new, I'm dad!