I want to try it. Is that weird?
Stupid Food
Make sure the defibrillator is plugged in and ready to go before you get started
Do you, uh, have an affinity for a certain type of moth?
Hahaha! No! No moths here! I don't even like moths really! Hahaha.... 😰
I mean, I'd take a run at it. That's not a ringing endorsement though as I really shouldn't, but I reckon I have 6 months until my next blood test and it will have cleared my system by then. Probably.
I'm disappointed, I expected more cheese.
bUt iTs KeTo!!!
I mean, if you actually were on a consistent keto diet it would work... Still a lot of saturated fat though.
Don't forget the sodium. Sweet, sweet sodium.
That unironically looks pretty good! I would just need a roll of paper towels to soak up all the grease. I wonder how much fat cheese has left in it once you cook it to a crisp
This seems like it would actually taste pretty good if not for the copious amount of grease that must surely be in every bite of it
especially because of the grease
Found Big Ronnie.