This makes me a little more hopeful the ketamine treatment I'm going to be starting in the next couple months does something for me. Cool article
Discussion of the experience of synthetic and plant medicine compounds throughout history and around the globe. No sourcing of compounds.
Knowing something exists that can save me from this hellish existance yet having no way to obtain it is a special kind of personal hell in and of itself.
I've been reading "hopeful" articles like these for fifteen years or longer, but outside of clinical trials, nothing ever happens.
Knowing my luck they'll put it to market the week after I finally croak.
I’d love to chat to you about the availability of this treatment in your area.
I'm in Flanders, Belgium. We can't even legally get medical cannabis here. Shrooms or ketamine are considered highest class drugs along with crack & heroin. All I can get are all the SSRI, tricyclics, painkillers (non-opioid) and of course all the alcohol and tobacco money can buy.
Best I can do for you is this which has several options in Holland.
Ketamine is great. A bit more-ish though
Super Hans