According to Douglas Adams, the hardest thing about flying is trying to miss the ground.
Source Memes
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It's even harder than that - you have to throw yourself at the ground, and miss! ๐
I disagree with that. I think most people as kids 100% tried, I know I did. And we all had that absolute belief that only kids and insane people have.
My cousin broke his leg trying, earning him the moniker "The Stupid Boy."
I watched Peter Pan as a toddler and later that day tried to fly down the stairs. Broke my collarbone in the process.
Wheatley is apparently a Flat Earther as this is exactly the kind of logic/argument they use...
I guess this technically makes sense for him though, as he is from the Source engine, where the world essentially is actually flat and all constructions otherwise are actually but clever illusions.
Due to a very realistic dream I had as a kid that went through an entire day from waking up to going back to bed, in which I had learned how to fly that day, 8(ish) year old me legit got out of bed, went out to my back yard, and tried to fly some more for a good solid ten minutes before I finally, crushingly, decided it must have been a dream.
So yeah. I legit thought I could fly, and tried to fly. Still couldn't do it. Can't fly.
Six year old me taking notes when Gohan teaches Videl to fly would like to disagree
I can fall with style.
I tried to glide. Does that count?