Pixel Dungeon
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How do you play this game?
I can only go down until level 6 before dying :c
Any tips and trick to play this game?
Use doors to you advantage. Funnel enemies through them so that you can only be hit by one at a time.
Buy the Ankh at the shop and bless it with 20 water from your waterskin.
Identify all potions and scrolls as quickly as possible. Per area you get two strength potions and three upgrade scrolls. When there's a special trap room on a floor that floor will also have a potion to solve that room. Shops will have at least one scroll of remove curse, one mapping scroll and one health potion. When flies drop potions it's always a healing potion.
Never use a weapon or armor you're not strong enough for.
When your waterskin has 20/20 then click the ankh and click Bless. It's almost always better to save your dew for a blessed ankh than use it for healing.
Edit: if you encounter a room with a well with healing symbols coming up from it you can throw your water skin on it to refill it.
It can also do a major combo if you have a bunch of cursed equipment equipped, are low on health, and starving. Just step on the well and you'll be healed, fed, and equipment uncursed
Edit 2 (more info): you can get runestones and identify scrolls by using the unidentified scrolls in an alchemy pot. Scroll identified, runestones gained, win.
Damn... No surprise I have a difficult time beating the game. Do you know a good wiki or a source of information like you just gave us? The one on Fandom doesn't seem of good quality.
I don't know of one myself. I have posted a couple tips on my fedi account, @[email protected], mainly because I was disappointed I won a game without a challenge enabled.
I was also thinking of making a video of tips for SPD as a helpful resource. I'm no pro, but I have played a couple hundred times and can show what I found useful
I dont have the direct link but if you go to reddit and check u/supernewb52 's post history you will see a 90 page document that tells you how to get good at the game!
Nice info
If you use something above your strngth, it become weaker?
I just found out about the ankh because of this post
Cheers, thank youu :D
If you use weapons above your strength they become much less accurate. If you use armour above your strength your movement speed and I think evasion go down drastically.
Edit: Also your attack speed is lower with a weapon that is too heavy.
I think the warrior is the easiest. He is simple, with his seal you can take one armour upgrade with you to your next armour, which is great to survive the earlier levels. That way you can effectively use armour that would normally require 12 or 14 strength with 11 or 13 strength respectively.
The Mage is nice because you can just pump the first upgrade scrolls into his staff to get a good weapon. You just have to be more careful about being hit.
Do you recommend certain warrior? For beginnee
You have to use everything to your advantage. Seeds, stones, scrolls, the environment, everything. Circle around pillars or grass, and you'll land surprise hits, which guarantee a blow every time. Funnel enemies through doorways, don't get surrounded.
Any floor that has a puzzle room, such as needing to float to reach a chest or a room full of gas... that floor also has the exact Potion required to solve it.
Flies sometimes drop a potion. It will always be a healing one. Same for bats later on. Dew drops heal you.
You have to learn from every death, learn what every item can do. You will get there!
I'm still learning. The guys cruising a 9 challenge run still blow my mind.