Pixel Dungeon
This community is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions.
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When your waterskin has 20/20 then click the ankh and click Bless. It's almost always better to save your dew for a blessed ankh than use it for healing.
Edit: if you encounter a room with a well with healing symbols coming up from it you can throw your water skin on it to refill it.
It can also do a major combo if you have a bunch of cursed equipment equipped, are low on health, and starving. Just step on the well and you'll be healed, fed, and equipment uncursed
Edit 2 (more info): you can get runestones and identify scrolls by using the unidentified scrolls in an alchemy pot. Scroll identified, runestones gained, win.
Damn... No surprise I have a difficult time beating the game. Do you know a good wiki or a source of information like you just gave us? The one on Fandom doesn't seem of good quality.
I don't know of one myself. I have posted a couple tips on my fedi account, @[email protected], mainly because I was disappointed I won a game without a challenge enabled.
I was also thinking of making a video of tips for SPD as a helpful resource. I'm no pro, but I have played a couple hundred times and can show what I found useful
I dont have the direct link but if you go to reddit and check u/supernewb52 's post history you will see a 90 page document that tells you how to get good at the game!