It's just another roundabout way to accept bribes. Don't be surprised if we find out later on that the Saudis or the Chinese bought a bunch of this stock. If he gets elected this stock will skyrocket.
If only they decided to add a punishment to those presidential crime laws. Pretty naive to count on congressmen to do the honourable thing and impeach.
So he has no way of cashing out?
It's just another roundabout way to accept bribes. Don't be surprised if we find out later on that the Saudis or the Chinese bought a bunch of this stock. If he gets elected this stock will skyrocket.
Boy, I sure miss the Emoluments Clause.
If only they decided to add a punishment to those presidential crime laws. Pretty naive to count on congressmen to do the honourable thing and impeach.
Not for six months
Unless their board approves an earlier date.
6 months is the standard.
But the whole thing is a shit show. John Olivers show last night was on it.
I actually put that episode on, saw this article, and like 10 minutes in this article is basically a summary without all the jokes...