this post was submitted on 27 Feb 2024
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[–] Buddahriffic 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I slept on Risk of Rain 2 for a long time but finally tried it out and damn, they did a great job converting the original from 2d to 3d.

Still picking away at Hades achievements, too. I'm at over 90% now and will trigger another one once I get back from my current run. 3 more after that: one grindy one, one gifty one, and one with a lot of heat. Might also go for 100% on the relationship bonds.

[–] wasted_in_time 2 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Bought all 3 RoR games. Terrible on all 3. Probably because I don't stick to the games. I feel defeated and stop playing...just to start again a few months later.

[–] Katana314 1 points 4 months ago

My experience in ROR2 was, in the tutorial, I was told “You did it! Now head to the teleporter that takes you to the next level.” I had no idea where it was or what it looked like, and could not consider the question for 10 seconds because the level quickly built up with more and more infinite enemies.

I hate roguelike games in general because that randomization leads to some very, very uncontrolled and uncurated experiences where it throws the worst shit at a new player.

[–] Buddahriffic 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I somehow didn't realize there were 3 of them lol.

But yeah, these are definitely games you need to stick with and unlock stuff for progression. I didn't make it past like stage 2 or 3 until I had unlocked a couple other characters.

And with the way the items stack, you lose versatility but gain power if you use the 3d printer to convert all of your powerups into a single one (though not every powerup is worth it, at least I think). I still haven't beaten the game for the 2nd one, but I'm making it to the last level more consistently now.

[–] wasted_in_time 2 points 4 months ago

I'll stick to it.

It's RoR 1 (2013), RoR 2, and then RoR remastered.