this post was submitted on 26 Feb 2024
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[–] Buddahriffic 4 points 9 months ago

I've been rewatching Malcom in the Middle and have been impressed with the quality of the acting from the kids, especially Dewie. Not that he's particularly better than the other kids, but he was younger and kept up with them. They could all hold their own with the likes of Cranston.

The only one that made it hard to suspend my disbelief was Jamie when he was first born, he wasn't able to pull off newborn baby and looked like a month old at the youngest. But otherwise, he is playing a pretty believable baby.

I wonder what kind of special sauce the producers/directors of that show used that others with inferior child acting didn't. Also curious if being on that show but acting decently meant those kids had a better time in school or if their peers were still assholes to them because they were famous.

And finally I wonder wtf is wrong with adults that harass child actors no matter how bad they played their role.