this post was submitted on 08 Feb 2024
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"Starting 11 March 2024, the price of Ring Protect Basic will change from £34.99/year to £49.99/year per device. If you would like to keep your current plan, no further action is required. Your plan will renew at the new price, unless you cancel your subscription before your next renewal on or after 11 March 2024."

Arse clowns.

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[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago

The Evening Standard has done an overview.

Things to bear in mind are that you are paying for convenience, so expect to do more fiddling about to get it done.what you want, especially if want remote access without paying for cloud features. However, if you are setting up a smart home and so are already down for some fiddling you are good.

One thing: unless you are diligent at changing batteries, wire it in. So many smart doorbells don't work because people seem to forget about them.