this post was submitted on 03 Feb 2024
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While she's at it I hope she goes back and takes out McCarthy also.
Nixon and Henry Kissinger as well.
Worst case scenario: Cambodia is functional country with a lot more people, Vietnam war ends a full five years earlier with the South being autonomous, Pakistan has less nukes, and the world is bored of our monthly landings on Moon and Mars.
That all sounds good to me, I'm ready for my Moon mansion.
Blame Nixon canceling the program to spite Kennedy. Some people are just fucked up.
He literally got exactly what he wanted. He was president, but that wasn't enough. He had to punish a dead man and to do it he trashed what is arguably the most successful government project of US history and the greatest engineering achievement of the human race. He justified it by tax cuts but the sick thing was he could have had his tax cuts for the rich and still kept the program going. Everything was already designed! All that was required was a skeleton crew for maintenance.
It is amazing how little the GOP has changed in 50 years. It is not about getting certain policies or even just normal power lust. It is about attacking other people.
So true and frightening - in some ways the GOP has actually gotten worse because now it's ONLY about attacking other people and trying to put the hurt on migrants and other struggling people. It's amazing to me anyone can possibly support them, given that they have no ethics and hate is their only platform.